What You Resist Persists

Recently, I was coaching a client who has to do some "check the box" activities at work that are crushing her soul a little.

There was angst on her face, and all sorts of resistance and tension in her voice, and in her body language. So I asked her:

"Instead of resisting, how can 'checking the box' help you level-up in this job so you learn what you need and position yourself for what's next?"

The shift was visible and audible after she let this question sink in.

She leaned in, her voice tone and pitch changed, and her facial tension subsided. When I called out these shifts, she noted that adjusting her perspective in that way actually made her excited about this part of her job.

In fact, she even imagined she was interviewing someone who had done the activities she's currently dreading. She said she'd actually be really impressed with this person because it showed a different level of commitment that she'd be looking for someone to bring to her team.

This also opened the door to her brainstorming other ways she could make this box-checking work more enjoyable and more authentic to her and her style.

Now, all of a sudden, this thing she was resisting and felt angst about -- but knew she couldn't avoid -- started feeling less like a burden and more like an opportunity for her.

My question for you: What is that thing in your current job that you don't love doing -- but can't avoid -- that could actually set you up for success later?

That thing (experience, challenge, annoyance, etc.) that you're resisting or avoiding at work (and in life!) will keep coming your way until you face it, break it down, or change the way you think about it. So, take a moment to think about your issue from a different perspective and deal with it so that you can begin to move forward with a little more ease!